Saturday 6 April 2013

Snaps and Drinks at Frui's Photography Social

Let's face it- photography courses are expensive. If you want to be taught to use your expensive SLR properly then ask a favour from a camera-savvy friend or prepare to part with some cash. However, if you want to get out and have some fun with your camera under the guidance of the pros without breaking the bank, then look no further than the Photography Socials organised by London-based company Frui.

The evening's challenge

The Socials cost just £10 and give you the opportunity to explore your photography skills in a relaxed environment, whilst still having the benefit of tutors on hand to give you tips about how to improve. Starting off in a pub, you're split into groups of 5 and then released into the wild with a set of challenges to complete, before coming back to the pub to regroup and have a few more drinks. 

 My flatmates and I met at The Anchor Pub by London Bridge and were immediately encouraged to grab a drink at the bar. Paired up with a lovely guy called Karl, we were set the challenge of taking photos reflecting the following films: North by Northwest, Star Wars, Being John Malkovich, Cliffhanger and Top Gun. Terrifyingly, bonus points were available for Basic Instinct...

After a drink and a brainstorm we set out to get the shots.  Points are given for originality, inventiveness and creativity, and luckily for my friend Shorty they seemed to favour outrageousness too. For Star Wars we positioned it so that Shorty was holding the Shard as a lightsaber, Top Gun saw him riding his bike in a fluorescent jacket and goggles rather than Tom Cruise's iconic jacket and aviators, North by Northwest saw Emily being held aloft as an airplane crashing into Karl and Being John Malkovich saw us flop her hair over Karl's bald head to reasons unbeknownst to everyone except for Shorty. Despite three of our cameras running out of battery (what rookies) we managed to get all the shots we wanted and could head back to the warmth of The Anchor well within the hour and a half time limit. 

The Lightsaber Shard

Back at the pub we remembered the bonus challenge, so Shorty gamely whipped off his clothes and sat on a chair with legs akimbo, managing to make Sharon Stone's own scene seem the most subtle ever made. Surprisingly, this seemed to be the photo which the Frui team liked the most...

Whilst food and more drinks were ordered we chose the photos we were going to use and played a few bonus games. The Frui guys came around and rated our photos out of 10, scoring us highly on originality but less so on composition. This is the part which those wanting advice should value, as they gave us tips on how we could have used the space more creatively and cropped the photos to improve the focus on subject matter. However, I'd say that the main purpose of the evening is to have fun with your camera (or even camera phone), make some friends and discover a new watering hole. The session is a great way to meet people and practice your creativity, and I'd definitely recommend it as an alternative evening of entertainment in London.

Our (not quite) winning team

You can book yourself into a monthly Frui Social here. If you've never been before you can bring another first timer friend for FREE. That's just a fiver each. The next session is on 24th April in Spitalfields. 

Splashing out? If you're keen on photography and want a real hands on experience then book yourself onto one of Frui's day or half day courses. I went to the Introduction to Digital Photography course in Hampstead Heath (£120) and found it extremely friendly and informative. Other courses include Painting with Light (£59), Life on the Street (£69) and After Dark (£69). Hire a DSLR camera for £16 if you don't own one. More information here.

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